Announcement November 2, 2016:
On Friday, October 28, 2016, we had to suspend testing on A2J Author's staging server, AuthorDev, because the parsing of a badly formatted A2J 4 xml file exposed a bug in the system that resulted in unexpected handling of data. We have fixed the bug to better handle the parsing of your A2J 4 files. All of your account data should be in place. Please check and let us know if anything is missing.
We're back up and running. You're welcome to continue testing your A2J Guided Interviews.
You can test converting existing A2J 4.0 Guided Interviews or create brand new A2J 5.0 Guided Interviews.Test uploading goes to LHI's RebuildQA server via the "Publish Tab". We recommend that as part of the LHI community testing period that you make sure to test a couple of your heavily used A2J Guided Interviews or some of your most complex. This isn't meant to be a "convert everything right now" period, but rather a way for the A2J Author and LHI teams to make sure that our integration is in place and working properly on actual A2J Guided Interviews.
Important reminders/announcements:
- This is our staging server. It is meant for testing purposes only. When community testing ends, we will be wiping this database. You should be saving local copies of your A2J Guided Interviews (via the "Download zip" button on the Publish tab) to ensure you have a local backup copy. Community testing with LHI is expected to run until December 9, 2016.
- We will be wiping our AuthorDev database at the end of next week. I'll email you all a reminder, but make sure to download those local copies before we wipe it.
- We will be doing code pushes to AuthorDev on Monday mornings. You should expect AuthorDev to be unavailable on Monday mornings from 8 am-12 pm CDT/CST.
If you have any questions about this or want to sign up for an account on AuthorDev to test LHI integration, conversion of A2J 4.0 Guided Interviews, or try out our new A2J Author Document Assembly Tool, please email (
Here is our community testing page with more information about AuthorDev, including tips & tricks, instructions on how to convert existing Guided Interview, instructions on how to upload to RebuildQA, and known bugs.