- The latest version of A2J Author is 4.1.5, download it here. If you have any problems, check out this FAQ.
- A2J AUTHOR® 4.1.1(2) Fixes license and runtime error 9. With Chinese/Vietnamese language support.
- If you are upgrading from version 4 please use the Save As option to save a new 4.1.1 compatible version of your interview first.
- Before uploading Chinese or Vietnamese interviews to LHI please contact Claudia Johnson (cjohnson at
- A2J web server files
Quick-Start Guide
- Click on the link above to save the A2J Author® 4.0 installation file.
- Run the installation file, double click the desktop icon to open, and complete the registration.
- Read about the new features of A2J Author® and compatibility issues in the article below.
- Provide us with your feedback, using the "Send Feedback" button in the software.
- If you update to 4.0 and then experience a .NET error in uploading interviews to the LHI server, download .NET Framework update via Microsoft. For more information on this see the "Multi-file Uploader Tool" description below.
What's New in A2J Author® 4.0?
- Enhanced Save & Resume: With last version of A2J Author® end users gained the ability to save a partially answered interview and return at a later time to complete it. Previously when launching an interview with saved answers the interview began at the beginning. In A2J Author® 4.0 when an end-user launches an interview with a saved answer set they will begin on the question where they exited from. Please note, if the end user enters information and does not press the "Continue" button but instead presses "Exit", the information they entered on the screen where they exited will not be saved.
- Audio/Video Volume Adjust: End users may now adjust the volume of any audio or video clip attached to an A2J Guided Interview. When an audio or video clip plays a control box appears below the "Sound Is On" label in the top gray navigation bar. The control box includes a volume slider that increases the volume when slid to the right. This volume control addition will greatly benefit end-users with hearing impairments and limited literacy.
- Audio/Video Start/Stop/Rewind: In addition to having control over the volume of audio and video clips, end users may now stop, start and rewind the clips. These features are included in the control box that appears below the "Sound Is On" label in the top gray navigation bar when audio and video clips are attached to a Guided Interview. Additionally the audio/video control box includes an indicator of how long the audio or video clip is and how much of the clip is left while playing. These features will greatly benefit end-users with hearing impairments and limited literacy.
- Text Size Adjustment: End-users now have the ability to enlarge the text size in Guided Interviews. In the top navigation bar at the far right, there are three As increasing in size from left to right. The larger the A selected, the larger the text size will appear. This is a great benefit to end-users with moderate visual impairments.
- Calculator: Authors of A2J Guided Interviews® may now choose to have a calculator appear with any Number or Number Dollar field. A check-box for "Show calculator" is located on the Fields tab in the Question Design Window. When chosen a small calculator icon appears to the right of the answer field in the question box of the Guided Interview. When the end-user clicks the calculator icon a larger calculator pops up. The calculator adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides. When the end-user selects the "Enter" button the value on the calculator automatically populates the answer field in the question box. The calculator feature helps ensure accuracy and makes it easier and more efficient for the end-user to complete questions.
- Calendar: Authors of A2J Guided Interviews® may now choose to include a calendar with any Date MM/DD/YYY field. A check-box for "Show calendar" is located on the Fields tab in the Question Design Window. When selected, a small calendar icon appears to the right of the date answer field in the question box of the Guided Interview and when selected by the end-user a larger calendar pops up. The calendar defaults to show the current year, month and date. When a date is selected on the calendar, the chosen date automatically populates the date answer field in the question box. The calendar feature helps ensure accuracy and makes it easier and more efficient for the end-user to complete questions.
- Scrollbar for Text Bubble: For times when there is no way to shorten a question, explanation or list of options, a scrollbar has been added to the question bubble. The scroll bar will appear on the right side of the question bubble only when the text runs longer than the allowable height.
Compatability Issues
- Interviews drafted in earlier versions of A2J Author® can be opened with A2J Author® 4.0.
- Interviews drafted in A2J Author® 4.0 should not be opened in earlier versions of the software. By doing so, you risk losing references to file attachments for the Show Me Graphic and Show Me Video features.
Playing A2J Guided Interviews®
Flash Prerequisite:
- Despite the pervasiveness of Flash Player 8, we have received some reports of people not being upgraded to Flash 8 or 9, thus encountering difficulty with running A2J Author® or using A2J Guided Interviews®. It is recommended that a notice be posted on your websites informing users that they must be running Flash 8 (at a minimum) in order to use A2J Author®. This can quite easily be done by a brief statement to that effect and provision of a link to the Adobe Flash Player download site
A2J Viewer Default Settings:
- The Exit button in the top navigation bar only appears for A2J Guided Interviews® where an "Exit" question was designated. Thus, the 'Exit' button will not appear for interviews already existing on LHI. To enable the 'Exit' feature for older interviews, simply open the interview in A2J Author® 4.0, add an 'Exit' question or question series and designate the 'Exit' question under the 'Exit' field located at the bottom of the Question tab screen.