This is a reference sample of an XSL transform that can be used on any HotDocs XML style document. As you may know, A2J Guided Interviews output .ANX formatted XML. This transform converts the ANX file into an HTML table that lists all of the variables that were created by the A2J Guided Interview. Here is a sample ANX file generated by the Iowa Intake Interview that ask the user lots of questions about eligibility for legal aid:
As you can see, ANX XML uses a single element - "Answer" and puts the name of the variable into an attribute. The XSL transform looks like this:
Let's break it down so that you can see what is going on...
The first functional line ...
<xsl:template match="/AnswerSet">
... says that we are looking for the "AnswerSet" tag and anything inside it. That's pretty standard XQuery.
The next section of code ...
<xsl:element name="table"> <xsl:attribute name = "border" >1</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name = "cellpadding" >10</xsl:attribute> <xsl:element name="tr"> <xsl:element name="td"> <xsl:text>#</xsl:text> </xsl:element> <!-- td --> <xsl:element name="td"> <xsl:text>variable name</xsl:text> </xsl:element> <!-- td --> <xsl:element name="td"> <xsl:text>type</xsl:text> </xsl:element> <!-- td --> <xsl:element name="td"> <xsl:text>value</xsl:text> </xsl:element> <!-- td --> </xsl:element> <!-- tr -->
Creates the output table with a border of 1, cellpadding of 10 and 4 columns with column headers of "#", 'Variable name", "type" and ""value".
The next section of code...
<xsl:for-each select="//Answer">
loops through all of the "Answer" tags found inside of the "AnswerSet" tag and this code ...
<xsl:variable name="getanswers" select="position()"/>
... keeps a counter for the first column of the table. For every "Answer" tag found, we want to start a new row in the table. This is accomplished with the next section of code...
<xsl:element name="tr"> <xsl:element name="td"> <xsl:value-of select="$getanswers"/> </xsl:element> <!-- td --> <xsl:element name="td"> <xsl:value-of select="@name"/> </xsl:element> <!-- td --> <xsl:element name="td">
The table row is output with the counter and variable name. Notice we are selecting for "@name" which gets us the attribute named "name". That is where variable name is in ANX XML. It's not in the tag since all of the tags are "Answer" tags. Now to get the type and value of the variable, we have to use an XSL case statement which is called a "Choose/When" in XSL. This section of code looks for the type of variable by looking for the tag names "RptValue", "TextValue", etc.
<xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="RptValue"> <xsl:text>Multiple Text</xsl:text> </xsl:when> <xsl:when test="TextValue"> <xsl:text>Text</xsl:text> </xsl:when> <xsl:when test="MCValue"> <xsl:text>Multiple Choice</xsl:text> </xsl:when> <xsl:when test="NumValue"> <xsl:text>Number</xsl:text> </xsl:when> <xsl:when test="TFValue"> <xsl:text>True/False</xsl:text> </xsl:when> <xsl:when test="DateValue"> <xsl:text>Date</xsl:text> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> <xsl:text>otherwise</xsl:text> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </xsl:element>
Getting the value of the variable is trivial at this point, since we are pointing at the variable, we use the "." shortcut notation.
<xsl:element name="td"> <xsl:value-of select="."/> </xsl:element> <!-- td --> </xsl:element> <!-- tr -->
... The above code also closes off the table cell and the table row since we are all done with this variable.
This code closes the for-each loop ...
</xsl:for-each> <!-- end of foreach for PersonInformation -->
This code closes the table ...
</xsl:element> <!-- table -->
... and we are done.
Here is what the table looks like after the transform as run ...
# | variable name | type | value |
1 | User Gender | Multiple Choice | Male |
2 | HOME_ADDRESS1 | Text | 111 |
3 | HOME_ADDRESS2 | Text | |
4 | HOME_CITY | Text | Akron |
5 | HOME_COUNTY | Multiple Choice | Adams |
6 | Problem Description TE | Text | |
7 | User First Name TE | Text | John |
8 | Non Iowa TF | True/False | |
9 | SSN NU | Text | 123-12-3123 |
10 | Email TE | Text | |
11 | Deadline TF | True/False | false |
12 | Hearing TF | True/False | false |
13 | OP HOME_ADDRESS1 | Multiple Text | 123 Maple |
14 | OP HOME_ADDRESS2 | Multiple Text | |
15 | OP HOME_CITY | Multiple Text | Columbus |
16 | OP HOME_COUNTY | Multiple Text | |
17 | OP HOME_STATE | Multiple Text | Ohio |
18 | User language TE | Multiple Choice | |
19 | User Ethnicity TE | Multiple Choice | Hispanic and Black |
20 | Adult HH Member SSN NU | Multiple Text | 444-44-4444 |
21 | Adult HH Member DOB NU | Multiple Text | 4/4/1984 |
22 | English language TE | True/False | |
23 | User Zip Code NU | Text | 44301 |
24 | Citizenship MC | Multiple Choice | A |
25 | Problem Type TF | Multiple Choice | 1 |
26 | Consumer MC | Multiple Choice | |
27 | Benefits MC | Multiple Choice | |
28 | Employment Problem MC | Multiple Choice | |
29 | Income child support TF | True/False | true |
30 | Income disability TF | True/False | true |
31 | Income employment TF | True/False | true |
32 | Income farming TF | True/False | |
33 | Income pension TF | True/False | true |
34 | Income self employment TF | True/False | |
35 | Income SSI TF | True/False | true |
36 | Income social securty TF | True/False | |
37 | Income unemployment TF | True/False | true |
38 | Income other 2 TF | True/False | true |
39 | Income no income TF | True/False | |
40 | FIRST_NAME_OP TE | Multiple Text | Deefus |
41 | MIDDLE_NAME_OP TE | Multiple Text | dorfus |
42 | LAST_NAME_OP TE | Multiple Text | Doofus |
43 | Business Name OP TE | Multiple Text | |
44 | Residence MC | Multiple Choice | Farm Labor Camp |
45 | Family problem MC | Multiple Choice | |
46 | Housing Problem MC | Multiple Choice | |
47 | Health Care MC | Multiple Choice | |
48 | Marital Status MC | Multiple Choice | M |
49 | User Age NU | Number | 47 |
50 | Adults served NU | Number | 2 |
51 | Children served NU | Number | 3 |
52 | User State MC | Multiple Choice | Ohio |
53 | Previous client MC | Multiple Choice | 101 |
54 | User Home Phone NU | Text | (321) 321-3213 |
55 | User Work Phone NU | Text | (432) 432-4324 |
56 | User Cell Phone NU | Text | |
57 | User Message phone NU | Text | |
58 | User Middle Name TE | Text | Peter |
59 | User Last Name TE | Text | Mayer |
60 | OP NU | Number | |
61 | No DeadlineTF | True/False | |
62 | Handicapped TF | True/False | false |
63 | Other Party Zip NU | Multiple Text | |
64 | PROBLEM_NU | Text | 1 |
65 | CHILD_NU | Text | 4 |
66 | ADULT_NU | Text | |
67 | DISABILITY INCOME NU | Number | 111 |
68 | Employment Income NU | Number | 22 |
69 | Farm Income NU | Number | |
70 | FIP Income NU | Number | |
71 | Child Support NU | Number | 55 |
72 | Veterans benefits NU | Number | 6 |
73 | Self Employment Income NU | Number | 8 |
74 | Pension Income NU | Number | 7 |
75 | Alimony Income NU | Number | 44 |
76 | SSI Income NU | Number | 11 |
77 | Social Security Income NU | Number | 12 |
78 | Unemployment Income NU | Number | 9 |
79 | Workers Comp Income NU | Number | 10 |
80 | Other Income NU | Number | 15 |
81 | Checking Asset NU | Number | 21 |
82 | Savings Asset NU | Number | 22 |
83 | Real Property Asset NU | Number | 24 |
84 | Second Vehicle NU | Number | 25 |
85 | Cash Asset NU | Number | 23 |
86 | Pension NU | Number | 28 |
87 | Income Workers Comp TF | True/False | true |
88 | Checking TF | True/False | true |
89 | Savings TF | True/False | true |
90 | Cash TF | True/False | true |
91 | Non-homestead property TF | True/False | true |
92 | Additional motor vehicles TF | True/False | true |
93 | Personal property TF | True/False | true |
94 | Pension_Other TF | True/False | true |
95 | Personal Property NU | Number | 27 |
96 | No Assets TF | True/False | false |
97 | Income alimony TF | True/False | true |
98 | CHILD_FIRST_NAME_TE | Multiple Text | ChildOneChildTwoChildThree |
99 | CHILD_MIDDLE_NAME | Multiple Text | |
100 | CHILD_LAST_NAME | Multiple Text | MayerMayerMayer |
101 | User Birth date | Date | 6/4/1961 |
102 | Child SSN | Multiple Text | 111-11-1111222-22-2222333-33-3333 |
103 | Child DOB | Multiple Text | 2/1/20002/2/20003/3/2000 |
104 | Unaccepted problem MC | Multiple Choice | |
105 | FIRST_NAME_Adult_TE | Multiple Text | James |
106 | MIDDLE_NAME_Adult_TE | Multiple Text | asd |
107 | LAST_NAME_Adult_TE | Multiple Text | Mayer |
108 | Poverty Amount | Text | 9800 |
109 | Asset Amount | Text | |
110 | Income veterans benefits TF | True/False | true |
111 | User Avatar | Text | |
112 | Green card number TE | Text | |
113 | Additional Status Information TE | Text | |
114 | Birth date | Date | |
115 | Papers Received DA | Date | |
116 | Received DA | Date | |
117 | Case Number TE | Text | |
118 | Court TE | Text | |
119 | Hearing DA | Date | |
120 | Hearing Time TE | Multiple Choice | |
121 | Income OWF TF | True/False | true |
122 | Income self-employment TF | True/False | true |
123 | Income other 2 TE | Text | |
124 | Income other TE | Text | |
125 | INCOME_TOO_HIGH | Text | |
126 | Abuse TF | True/False | false |
127 | No Deadline TF | True/False | |
128 | Deadline Desc TL | Text | |
129 | Deadline Desc TE | Text | |
130 | Hearing Scheduled TF | True/False | |
131 | Pension Problem MC | Multiple Choice | |
132 | Other Housing TE | Text | |
133 | OWF Income NU | Number | 33 |
134 | Investment Income NU | Number | 13 |
135 | Income social security TF | True/False | true |
136 | Income Other Decription TE | Text | paper route |
137 | FILESTATUS | Multiple Choice | |
138 | Language MC | Multiple Choice | |
139 | Primary Language MC | Multiple Choice | 2 |
140 | Income investment TF | True/False | true |
141 | Court Papers TF | True/False | false |
142 | Court Papers DA | Date | |
143 | Court Papers Case TE | Text | |
144 | Court Papers Court TE | Text | |
145 | Court Papers Hearing Date DA | Date | |
146 | Court Papers Hearing Time TE | Multiple Choice | |
147 | User Ethnicity Other TE | Text | |
148 | Debt Credit Card TF | True/False | true |
149 | Debt Forclosed TF | True/False | true |
150 | Debt Judgement TF | True/False | true |
151 | Debt Utilities TF | True/False | true |
152 | Debt Loans TF | True/False | true |
153 | Debt Medical TF | True/False | true |
154 | Debt Mortgage TF | True/False | true |
155 | NOTA130 | True/False | false |
156 | Credit Card Payment Amount NU | Number | 3 |
157 | Credit Card Owed Amount NU | Number | 30 |
158 | Foreclosure Amount Owed NU | Text | 40 |
159 | Foreclosure Payment NU | Number | 4 |
160 | Judgements Amount Owed NU | Number | 50 |
161 | Judgements Payment Amount NU | Number | 5 |
162 | Utility Amount Owed NU | Number | 60 |
163 | Utility Payment Amount NU | Number | 6 |
164 | Loan Amount Owed NU | Number | 70 |
165 | Loan Payment Amount NU | Number | 7 |
166 | Medical Debt Amount Owed NU | Text | |
167 | Medical Amount Owed NU | Number | 80 |
168 | Mortgage Amount Owed NU | Text | 90 |
169 | Mortgage Payment Amount NU | Text | 9 |
170 | Medical Payment Amount NU | Number | 8 |
171 | Expenses Medical TF | True/False | true |
172 | Expenses Child Care TF | True/False | true |
173 | Expenses Transportation TF | True/False | true |
174 | Expenses Other TF | True/False | true |
175 | NOTA139 | True/False | false |
176 | Expenses Medical NU | Number | 50 |
177 | Expenses Child Care NU | Number | 51 |
178 | Expenses Transportation NU | Number | 52 |
179 | Expenses Other NU | Number | 53 |
180 | NOTA39 | True/False | |
181 | OPCount | Text | 1 |
182 | NOTA113 | True/False | |
183 | NOTA211 | True/False | true |
184 | Other_ADULT_NU | Number | 2 |
185 | Adults_Helped_NU | Number | 1 |
186 | Income | Text | |
187 | Income TF | Multiple Choice | 1 |
188 | No Income TF | Multiple Choice | |
189 | Income MC | Multiple Choice | |
190 | A2J_Bookmark | Text | |
191 | Problem Type MC | Multiple Choice | Food Stamps |
192 | File status MC | Multiple Choice | |
193 | Problem Type TE | Multiple Choice | |
194 | Client marital status MC | Multiple Choice |
Beside the illustrative or tutorial value of this transform, it could also be used by many word processing, spreadsheet and database applications that are able to import variables from HTML tables. The main value, however, is to demonstrate how to loop through the ANX XML and how the data can be transformed into any type of text output, not just more XML.
Here is the complete XSL transform file in a zip file in case you want to download it and modify it. I donate it to the public domain for anyone who wants to make use of it for any purpose whatsoever. If you have any questions or you want assistance with creating an XSL transform for your legal aid or court automation project, you can contact me at the following numbers or email...
John Mayer
Executive Director
Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction / CALI
312-906-5307 (office)