Does A2J Author 5.0 support IE 10 or lower?

Will A2J Guided Interviews created in A2J Author 5.0 run in IE 10 or lower?

No. A2J Author 5.0 will only support IE 11 or higher. That means A2J Guided Interviews created in A2J Author 5.0 will work in IE 11, Edge, and the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. 

We understand there are some organizations that have older computers, but the security issues raised with IE 10 and lower, combined with the fact that Microsoft is no longer supporting IE 10 or lower, have led us to this decision. 

If you are unable to upgrade your browser past IE 10, we recommend using Chrome. It is free and can be downloaded here, even on older machines. 

Here is Microsoft's announcement that they are no longer supporting IE 10 or lower, as of January 2016. 

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the A2J Author team by emailing or using our contact us forms